Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur
Laboratoire Geoazur
Bureau 214 -- Batiment 4
250 Rue Albert Einstein
06460 Valbonne (Fr.)
On the emergence of fault afterslip during laboratory seismic cycles.
Nöel, C., Twardzik, C., Dublanchet, P., and F.X., Passelègue Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., accepted.
Kinematic inversion of aseismic fault slip during the nucleation of laboratory earthquakes.
Dublanchet, P., Passelègue, F.X., Chauris, H., Gesret, A., Twardzik, C., and C., Nöel J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 129, e2024JB028733, doi:10.1029/2024JB028733.
Revisiting the 2015 Mw = 8.3 Illapel earthquake: unveiling complex fault slip properties using Bayesian inversion.
Caballero, E., Duputel, Z., Twardzik, C., Rivera, L., Klein, E., Jiang, J., Liang, C., Zhu, L., Jolivet, R., Fielding, E., and M., Simons. Geophys. J. Int., 235, 2828–2845, doi:10.1093/gji/ggad380.
Bayesian inference on the initiation phase of the 2014 Iquique, Chile, earthquake.
Twardzik, C., Duputel, Z., Jolivet, R., Klein, E., and P., Rebischung. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 600, 117835, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117835.
Transient Brittle Creep Mechanism Explains Early Postseismic Phase of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Megathrust Earthquake: Observations by High-Rate GPS Solutions
Periollat, A., Radiguet, M., Weiss, J., Twardzik, C., Amitrano, D., Cotte, N., Marill, L., and A., Socquet. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 127(8), e2022JB024005, doi:10.1029/2022JB024005.
Very early identification of a bimodal frictional behavior during the post-seismic phase of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile, earthquake.
Twardzik, C., Vergnolle, M., Sladen, A., and L.L.H., Tsang. Solid Earth, 12, 2523–2537, doi:10.5194/se-12-2523-2021.
Locating surface deformation induced by earthquakes using GPS, GLONASS and Galileo ionospheric sounding from a single station.
Zedek, F., Rolland, L.M., Mikesell, T.D., Sladen, A., Delouis, B., Twardzik, C., and P., Coïsson. Adv. Space Res., 68(8), 3403-3416, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2021.06.011.
Seismic and Aseismic Fault Slip During the Initiation Phase of the 2017 MW = 6.9 Valparaíso Earthquake.
Caballero, E., Chounet, A., Duputel, Z., Jara, J., Twardzik, C., and R., Jolivet. Geophys. Res. Lett., 48(6), e2020GL091916, doi:10.1029/2020GL091916.
Imaging rapid early afterslip of the 2016 Pedernales earthquake, Ecuador.
Tsang, L.L.H., Vergnolle, M., Twardzik, C., Sladen, A., Nocquet, J.-M., Rolandone, F., Agurto-Detzel, H., Cavalié, O., Jarrin, P., and P., Mothes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 524, 115724, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2019.115724.
Preparing for InSight: Evaluation of the Blind Test for Martian Seismicity.
van Driel, M., Ceylan, S., Clinton, J.F., Giardini, D., Alemany, H., Allam, A., Ambrois, D., Balestra, J., Banerdt, B., Becker, D., Böse, M., Boxberg, M.S., Brinkman, N., Casademont, T., Chèze, J., Daubar, I., Deschamps, A., Dethof, F., Ditz, M., Drilleau, M., Essing, D., Euchner, F., Fernando, B., Garcia, R., Garth, T., Godwin, H., Golombek, M.P., Grunert, K., Hadziioannou, C., Haindl, C., Hammer, C., Hochfeld, I., Hosseini, K., Hu, H., Kedar, S., Kenda, B., Khan, A., Kilchling, T., Knapmeyer-Endrun, B., Lamert, A., Li, J., Lognonné, P., Mader, S., Marten., L., Mehrkens, F., Mercerat, D., Mimoun, D., Möller, T., Murdoch, N., Neumann, P., Neurath, R., Paffrath, M., Panning, M.P., Peix, F., Perrin, L., Rolland, L., Schimmel, M., Schröer, C., Spiga, A., Stähler, S.C., Steinmann, R., Stutzmann, E., Szenicer, A., Trumpik, N., Tsekhmistrenko, M., Twardzik, C., Weber, R., Werdenbach- Jarklowski, P., Zhang, S., and Y., Zheng. Seism. Res. Lett., 90(4), 1518-1534, doi:10.1785/0220180379.
Imaging of Seismogenic Asperities of the 2016 ML 6.0 Amatrice, Central Italy, Earthquake Through Dynamic Rupture Simulations.
Aochi, H., and C., Twardzik. Pure Appl. Geophys., 177, 1931–1946, doi:10.1007/s00024-019-02199-z.
Kinematics of the 2012 Ahar–Varzaghan complex earthquake doublet (Mw6.5 and Mw6.3).
Momeni, S.M., Aoudia, A., Tatar, M., Twardzik, C., and R., Madariaga. Geophys. J. Int., 217, 2097-2124, doi:10.1093/gji/ggz100.
Unravelling the contribution of early postseismic deformation using sub-daily GNSS positioning.
Twardzik, C., Vergnolle, M., Sladen, A., and A., Avallone. Sci. Rep., 9, 1775, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-39038-z.
Exploring the uncertainty range of coseismic stress drop estimations of large earthquakes using finite fault inversions.
Adams, M., Twardzik, C., and C., Ji. Geophys. J. Int., 208, 86-100, doi:10.1093/gji/ggw374.
The Earthquake-Source Inversion Validation (SIV) Project.
Mai, P.M., Schorlemmer, D., Page, M., Ampuero, J.-P., Asano, K., Causse, M., Custodio, S., Fan, W., Festa, G., Galis, M., Gallovic, F., Imperatori, W., Käser, M., Malytskyy, D., Okuwaki, R., Pollitz, F., Passone, L., Razafindrakoto, H.N.T., Sekiguchi, H., Song, S.G., Somala, S.N., Thingbaijam, K.K.S., Twardzik, C., van Driel, M., Vyas, J.C., Wang, R., Yagi, Y., and O., Zielke. Seism. Res. Lett., 87(3), 690-708, doi:10.1785/0220150231.
Modeling of the coseismic electromagnetic fields observed during the 2004 Mw 6.0 Parkfield earthquake.
Gao, Y., Harris, J.M., Wen, J., Huang, Y., Twardzik, C., Chen, X., and H., Hu. Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 620-627, doi:10.1002/2015GL067183.
The Mw7.9 2014 intraplate intermediate-depth Rat Islands earthquake and its relation to regional tectonics.
Twardzik, C., and C., Ji. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 431, 26-35, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2015.08.033.
InSAR measurement of the deformation around Siling Co Lake: Inferences on the lower crust viscosity in central Tibet.
Doin, M.-P., Twardzik, C., Ducret, G., Lasserre, C., Guillaso, S., and S., Jianbao J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 5290-5310, doi:10.1002/2014JB011768.
Rupture history of 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa earthquake inferred from near-fault strong motion data and its impact to the practice of groundstrong motion prediction.
Ji, C., Archuleta, R.J., and C., Twardzik. Geophys. Res. Lett., 42, 2149-2156, doi:10.1002/2015GL063335.
Inversion for the physical parameters that control the source dynamics of the 2004 Parkfield earthquake.
Twardzik, C., Das, S., and R., Madariaga. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 119, 7010-7027, doi:10.1002/2014JB011238.
Robust features of the source process for the 2004 Parkfield, California, earthquake from strong-motion seismograms.
Twardzik, C., Madariaga, R., Das, S., and S., Custódio. Geophys. J. Int., 191, 1245-1254, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2012.05653.x.